Sunday, February 10, 2008

Running Musings - 021008

I ran the last two days outside, and there were moments of greatness about them! On February 8th I ran 3 miles outside, which includes a gradual incline, and I had a runner's high within the first five minutes of the run! It was during Sugarcube's Planet. Then at the end I heard Pearl Jam's Given to Fly (x2) and I was just loving the world! What a great song to run to. It's like the run was sanctioned by the universe because I had a runner's high, and because I ended on such an incredible running song!

Then, yesterday I decided to run the same route, but added a 1.5 miles. I remembered my mantra "quick turn quick turn" because a quick turnover is probably the way I'll be able to finish the Cherry Blossom Race more than a long stride. Through most of it I thought I would get swept at the Cherry Blossom Race because I'm not very fast outside. Since I've tried to work on my form I look up more, and I turn the quick turn. Also, there were a couple times yesterday when things just CLICKED! I mean I was running up a hill and running faster (?) I decided to slow down, consciously, because I was concerned I would hurt myself. Note to self: If I'm in a natural running state, don't slow down :) It wasn't a runner's high it was just great for the ease! So, when I felt those two snippets of natural running I felt I would be able to run the Cherry Blossom Race without getting swept. It was pretty cool! I couldn't believe I was feeling it when running uphill.

Highlights included:

Paul Simon's Late in the Evening (2x)
Linkin Park's In the End (3x)
Incubus' Megolomaniac
Tori Amos A Sorta Fairytale

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