Saturday, December 29, 2007

Running Musings - 122907

Less than base mileage, but a comfortable speed. I'm just worried about the speed really. I can do the 10-miles in April no problem. It's just the speed. I rarely push myself consistenly on speed. Maybe during one run I may try to go faster, but it's on a run by run basis. It's not a consistent strategy.

The treadmill at my apartment complex, and treadmills at other places are different so I feel down when I use them at other places. It could be the heat. My little workout room is colder, but the treadmills at other places always seem to drag a little, and I have to go slower because the resistence is tougher. Aha! I usually have no resistence checked, but maybe the base resistence on the other machines is tougher. Anyway, I'm focused on running outdoors so I won't be S-O-L when April 6th comes around. I practiced on a treadmill in Seattle before the Fremont 5k in 2003, and it was the worst run. I didn't realize there was such a difference even though I had run outdoors before. Just not as training for the race. Lesson learned!

Highlights included:

Third Eye Blind - Jumper
New Order - Regret
U2 - Beautiful Day

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